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Understanding How The Different Sanitizers Help The Pool

There are a number of water treatment options that homeowners can use to keep their inground pools clean and safe. Many of the pool chemicals play different roles in keeping the swimming pool water safe. However, homeowners need to take care while using the chemicals and need to ensure that they do not mix different chemicals.

One of the most commonly used chemicals in swimming pools is chlorine. This serves a number of purposes including sanitizing and oxidizing the water and killing the growth of algae in the swimming pool. A lot of homeowners prefer to use this chemical for their inground swimming pool because it is cheap and very effective. However, the one drawback to using chlorine to clean the pool is that it has an overpowering smell.

Another advantage of using chlorine to cleanse the pool is that it is freely available in the form of powder and pellets. Chlorinators can also be used to dispense a pre set amount of chlorine at pre determined times.

Bromine is also a chemical that is used often to cleanse pools and it works in pretty much the same way as chlorine. However, bromine dissolves very slowly and is less effective than chlorine when exposed to a lot of sunshine.

Biguanide is another chemical that is often used to cleanse swimming pools. This chemical is more expensive that chlorine but it has a less obtrusive odor and is not affected by sunlight. It also provides the inground swimming pool with a smooth feel.

Ionizers and ionization systems are use to eliminate some of the bacteria that grow in inground pools. This chemical kills algae but does not oxidize or sanitize. This chemical also cannot be used on its own. It needs to be combined with other chemicals to be used.

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